Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Inaugural Post

When I was younger, I always considering myself a bit of a TV freak. Every morning, at the tender age of 10, I’d wake up every morning at 6am to watch my favorite shows: I Dream of Jeanie and Bewitched. And every night I’d stay up late to watch I Love Lucy, Lavern and Shirley, and if I could keep my eyes open, Mary Tyler Moore .  At the time I had no clue what drew me to shows like these, considering most of the girls my age were watching My Little Pony, a majority of the time.

I realize now that I’m older that it wasn’t just there silly antics, but their charismatic spirit, charm, and independence that made them my favorite; the fact that these were women of power.  Yeah, maybe one lived in a bottle generally followed the directions of a ‘master’, but she gave him hell while doing it. And maybe Lucy came off a bit childish and immature, but hey, the whole damn show was about her, and she ran it.

That’s where my love for women in television started, but not where it ended. One day I plan on being a women of television, whether that be in the box or behind the scenes. That being said, in this blog I will explore the women that inspire me, those who’ve inspired change, and those who’ve inspired controversy (for the good and the bad).