Tuesday, January 6, 2015


WTF Happened in 2014?!

Since I wasn’t present in 2014, (because I got hit by this giant evil space meteor called life), I think we should take a quick look back at some epic moments, awesome/not so awesome women and trending topics that transpired! Who showed their boobs, was a boob and gained extra Boobity points* in 2014!

            ** Boobity Score:  rating system in which credit earned or taken in conjunction with this blog in which a person(s) exhibits exceptionally noteable behavior. Behavior is then scored with the systems of A, B, C, & DD.  (More explanation on my next post!)

And in No particular order…..

IDC what year it is! It’s all about 1989

___________ - That is a blank space and Taylor Swift, I’ll write your name. Admittedly I have not been a huge Taylor Swift fan in the past, but 1989 I have to say is pretty dope. Not to mention she won The 2014 Billboard Awards for Woman of the year? I heard (via radio) it came down to Taylor, Yoncé (The Queen B- Beyoncé) or Kim Kardashian (why? I don’t fucking know). I love the QB, but I have to say they made a great choice, because on top of all her accolades and talent, Taylor Swift is actually a great person! Check out her surprise some of her real life fans with Christmas presents! I literally shed a tear or two on this one.. I might just be a sap, but this is amazing.  ** Boobity SCORE: DD Fa show**

There was no Treble!

I felt less fat and more fab almost all year! Why? Cus chubby girls came out swinging and America was “All About that Bass”.  Meghan Trainor with the chubby girl anthem of the year had me singing loud and proud…Although I do find it funny she claims have brought booty back, though I’m pretty sure that was J-Lo. Also in Music, I do believe Drake ended the year with saying he likes his woman BBW (If you don't know what that means definitely look it up). 

Other pioneers on the chubby girl frontier include GabiFresh – plus size Fashion/Bikini Blogger who I avidly stalk. She decided to redefine what it means to be “Flawless",  recreating Beyoncé's  hit song and video. I’m not gonna lie, I think that rendition could have been better. Just because those girls were thicker didn't  mean they couldn't move. I’m very disappointed I didn’t see them shake it! Watch it here!

 Rounding off this list Mindy Kaling, female comedian and actress of the Mindy Kaling Project, speaks on all the random flack she gets, from the public and press alike, for being success without confining to ‘traditional American standards of beauty’ – You know having the courage to NOT be a size two and looking like normal person.

Mind you, she’s a size 8 and the average American woman is a size 12! I don’t know what’s wrong with people, but she doesn’t care! She embraces herself and encourages other woman to do the same. **Boobity Score: DD status ALL THE WAY! ** 

Wait ! Did someone say Booty? 

Yeah that Andaconda came back… Though it’s not like the song Baby Got Back or Nicki Minaj ever faded from American pop culture…..

But hey, revampich is cool….. And DAT ASS DOE!   (It's going to eat the world I know it) 

Iggy Izalea …. Can you STFU? It’d make you more appealing…Please and thank you. 

(If you don't know what I'm referring to, just Google 'Iggy Izalea' Twitter. I do not mind her music and yes, she's passionate, yes she can say what she wants… But, No. She doesn't know wtf she's talking about.)  **Boobity Score: B**

Beyoncé – Stayed fabulous and **Flawless** all year 
  (That VMA ending... When she went “On the Run” with her hubby... when she was in that elevator….) 

Tracee Ellis Ross (have my babies) – “If you hire me, you hire my hair”. Oh the conviction. Oh the hair <3 . You’re funny, unconventional, beautiful and rocking it on ABC's new hit show Blackish.

This just  goes to show you can never keep a ‘Girlfriend’ down.


So I’m pretty bored with the nakedness... And the young fashionable hotness trying to be old and get into club-ness…..and the loving the black guysness… ( okay not that part). But as it pertains to the Kardashians I’m pretty much spent. 

But hey, a catrillion of you just CANNOT get enough. So yes, like Kim K’s ass, the Kardashians(+Jenners) were HUGE in 2014. I don’t get it, but I’m sure I am just missing their genious. It’s me. I know it.

** Boobity Score: DD for the Kardashian's (+Jenners).. for being bosses at nothing
A Boobity Score of A (that's low if you haven't figured out yet) for ME & YOU for loving them or being ambivalent - which I am. ** 

All that Rhimes…

With Shonda that is! ABC's Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder and just the fact that Shonda Rhimes is a WOMAN of color writing for network primetime television is an amazing feat! In addition, the women that channel her work through the art of acting are just outstanding! The effortless beauty that is Kerry Washington and commanding prescence that is Viola Davis has, in my opinion given TV a fresh perspective.  And of course who can forget Grey’s Anatomy, on it’s 11th season, still holding on. 2014 was another great year for Shonda, can't wait to see what 2015 brings. 

I’m a Boob, You’re a Boob we’re all Boobs HEY!

We spent a good amount of time this year in celebrity land trying to figure out who defines themselves as a feminist and who does not. Some of those who don’t may shock you – Names such as... Lady Gaga. 

Celebs like Amy Poeler, Ellen Page, John Legend, Ashton Kutcher, Patrtick Steward and Emma Watson, all took a stand for the feminist cause this year. Watson, who was named the U.N’s Goodwill Ambassador, even started a campaign to get men and boys more involved in the cause.

I know what you're thinking… Did I just replace the word feminist with Boob? Was it negative or positive Boob? Can I do that? …. I did. It was both. And yes I can. 

We focus on celebrities, I suppose, to help scope our feelings on certain topics and situations as a culture, but aside from them, it was a BIG year for feminism all together and believe me we will be getting back to this topic!

Spoiler to future post: Being a feminist is NOT the same as being Neo-Nazi.. I don’t feel like everyone knows that….

Stay Tuned for that one!


…...With Orange is the New Black. I LOVE that every sentence is a story and EVERYONE has a story. IT IS OUTRAGEOUS. IT IS DRAMA FILLED. IT IS GUT WRENCHING. IT IS EDG. IT IS FUNNY. All tied up in a refreshingly evil little Netflix package. 

Why evil you say? Because in the Summer of 2014 I had to FORCE myself NOT to finish Season 2 in one day and then go back and watch Season 1 all over again. The combination of the two is like television bondage --- pleasure and pain. "Netflix - It's Television Bondage" or "OITNB - S&M for Television" I am not going to say much here because I KNOW I will be fan-girling about it in later post.

The Glamourous Woman of the Year 

On a surprising note, Laverne Cox of  OISTNB was named Glamour Magazines, 'Woman of the Year.' http://www.glamour.com/inspired/women-of-the-year/2014/laverne-cox

I LOVE the fact that Glamour is taking a stance with Lavern Cox, naming her 'Woman of the Year' due to all of her amazing efforts to raise awareness for gender equality; A campaign that was much needed to shed light on an issue rarely discussed. Reading that 41% of transgender people consider suicide due to the ignorance and bigotry of others who cant accept those different than themselves -  those who harass, harm and even kill transgenders for simply being them - was truly heartbreaking. I admire Cox for speaking out for this under represented group of people, she is changing and saving lives and that makes her a strong, beautiful individual.

On that note, however, this brings on the question of how we define gender in America. As we grow as a country the lines of what is gender appropriate and requirement is blurred and transforming everyday and I think that’s freaking awesome! Glamour is forward thinking and breaking barriers with this one, but with that being said, what IS being a woman in modern day America? Are you a woman because you were born with a vagina or have the ability bare children? Is it about attitude?  Or is what makes a woman a woman feeling like a woman and transmitting that energy into the world? Is it physical or is it mental? The fact that Lavern Cox is not a naturally born woman winning this award has caused a LOT of backlash online and honestly, I understand.  ** Boobity Score: C…** 

Going forward to 2015 I predict we will see a lot more people challenging how we define gender and I AM READY. Are you?